thesis - Thesis Wordpreess Theme
Thesis Wordpreess Theme. Thesis is one of the all time best Premium WordPress Theme and highly recommended by Internet Gurus. Thesis isn’t really just a WordPress theme. It’s actually an SEO-optimized code framework with tons of design flexibility. Why would search legend Danny Sullivan, Google’s Matt Cutts, and Microsoft search engineer Jeremiah Andrick, affiliate marketing entrepreneur Rae Hoffman? Or SEO guru Michael Gray? Or Darren Rowse, Scott Beale, Chris Brogan, and Levar Burton all use Thesis for their sites? This is update 1.6 for Thesis Theme.

thesis theme - Thesis Wordpreess Theme

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Author : Chris Pearson

Description : Thesis Wordpreess Theme. Thesis is one of the all time best Premium WordPress Theme and highly recommended by Internet Gurus. Thesis isn’t really just a WordPress theme. It’s actually an SEO-optimized code framework with tons of design flexibility.

Compatibility : Latest WordPress Version

Features :

  • Oodles of design and color options! Control font colors all over the theme. Experiment with your background color. Customize the daylights out of your nav menu. Tweak all freakin day.
  • Automatic dropdown nav menu! Bring your parent-child pages or your nested categories, and Thesis will turn them into a killer new CSS-only dropdown navigation menu. Best of all, Thesis allows you to customize the anchor text of all your pages, so you can tailor your nav menu to your specific needs. Also, don’t miss the new nav menu design controls on the Design Options page! You’ll find ‘em under the Fonts, Colors, and More! section, and seriously—you’re gonna love ‘em.
  • Custom file editor in your WordPress dashboard: Sick of dealing with an external file editor and an FTP client every time you need to update that damned custom.css file? Not anymore, ’cause now you’ve got a custom file editor inside your WordPress dashboard that totally solves this problem! WIN.
  • New options placement in the WordPress dashboard: Instead of existing inside the Appearances section, the Thesis Options now have their own dedicated module in the WordPress dashboard menu. Sadly, the options are relegated to the bottom because the native WordPress function used to hook them into place doesn’t do all of the things it purports to do (like positioning the new module). Meh.
  • IE only styles are now cache-friendly: Version 1.5 included a CSS based method of serving IE styles, but this method proved to have one fatal flaw—it didn’t play nicely with caching techniques (and especially the WP Super Cache plugin). Because of this, I reverted back to using conditional HTML in the document & head , and now caching is money.
  • Fixed post image and thumbnail frames: These actually work now. Special.
  • Suppressed warnings on all getimagesize function calls: This PHP function has been known to trigger warnings on certain server configurations, and suppressing warnings will radically reduce the annoyance factor in these situations.
  • Moved the /rotator folder into the /custom folder: Can somebody tell me why the /rotator folder, whose very existence suggests customization, was not located inside the /custom folder from the very beginning? Sigh. Fixed.
  • And much more..

Price :

  • Single License – US$ 87
  • Developer License – US$ 164

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