superstar tesla theme music niche 01 - Superstar WordPress Theme

Superstar WordPress Theme. SuperStar is a Premium WordPress Theme for music signers, artists and anyone associated with music industry. It has a minimalist yet elegant looking design layout. Its features includes continuous playback audio player with Soundcloud playlist, full screen slider, discography, events, video and photo galleries, 2 different headerContinue Reading

huesos audiotheme musicians - Huesos WordPress Theme

Huesos WordPress Theme. Huesos is a Premium WordPress Theme from Audio Theme. It can be used by musicians and artists for their websites. Its features includes responsive design, site wide jams for mp3 streaming, video preview mode, sell digital goods with Easy Digital Downloads plugin, video library, audio track management,Continue Reading

kontrol cssigniter avjthemescom 01 - Kontrol WordPress Theme

Kontrol WordPress Theme. Kontrol is a Premium WordPress theme from Cssigniter. This theme can be used by DJs, music bands, music event organizers, radio stations, and similar business owners. Its features includes responsive design layout, featured event slider, upcoming events widgets, custom audio player, 7 different category layouts, custom postContinue Reading

americanaura audiotheme avjthemescom 01 - Americanaura WordPress Theme

Americanaura WordPress Theme. Americanaura is a Premium WordPress Theme from Audio Theme. It can be used by photographers and artists to showcase their work for their clients. Its features includes responsive design, songs selection options from your discography to stream in the site-wide jukebox, date/time & venue management for musicContinue Reading

hernan cssigniter avjthemescom 01 - Hernan WordPress Theme

Hernan WordPress Theme. Hernan is a Premium WordPress music theme from Cssigniter. This theme can be used by DJs, music artists, bands, radio stations and everyone in the music business. Other features includes custom audio player, upcoming events widget, custom post types etc. It is available in 5 color schemesContinue Reading

faded mintthemes avjtehmescom 1 - Faded WordPress Theme

Faded WordPress Theme. Faded is a premium WordPress theme by Mint Themes. It can be used by bands for their online presence. It includes a built-in HTML5 audio player widget, Facebook comments, videos, and photo albums. This theme has almost everything a band would need out-of-the-box. It offers a completeContinue Reading

mercury alohathemes avjthemescom 01 - Mercury WordPress Theme

Mercury WordPress Theme. Mercury is a WordPress Theme for Music from Aloha Themes. It can be used by Lounge, Jazz Musicians, Blues Musicians, DJs, Online Radio Stations websites. Mercury is a dark, dimensional, retro WordPress music theme that turns your website into a showcase. It supports direct streaming from popularContinue Reading