Author : Shape5
Description : Soul Search Joomla Templatee. Soulsearch is a latest template in Shape5 Basket. Soul Search is a church template for religious and spiritual websites. It is built on Shape5 responsive Joomla template framework. It has responsive design layout along with other features likes 4 custom highlight colors to set your own color scheme, a custom highlight font, social icon integration, 97 collapsible positions plus 4 mobile positions, 6 custom module suffixes and support for 3rd Party Stylings for Joomanager, Tienda, Virtuemart, and K2.
Compatibility : Joomla 3 / 2.5
Features :
- S5 Vertex framework platform
- Responsive Template Layout
- Responsive hide classes
- 97 collapsible core template positions plus 4 mobile positions
- 6 custom module suffixes
- Custom highliight color
- Light or dark style
- Enable/Disable uppercase letters
- Turn off module highlight color
- Custom highlight font
- Social icons integrated
- S5 Flex Menu integrated
- Choose fluid or fixed template widths
- Max body width
- Custom column, page and row widths
- Mobile device support
- Designed with CSS3 – Limited support for IE7 and IE8 through PIE
- RTL language support
- Drop down panel
- 3rd Party Stylings for Joomanager, Tienda, Virtuemart, and K2
- Google Fonts
- SEO optimized
- Hide component area on any page
- Fixed tabs
- Menu scroll to section
- File compression for core files
- Info Slide enabled
- Multibox enabled
- Lazy Load enabled
- Tool tips enabled
- Equalizer script
- 100% tableless CSS
- Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- Validates with CSS Level 3 with browser specific calls
- Site shaper available (Joomla install that includes demo data)
- PSDs included
- Compatible with modern browsers
- And Many More……
Price :
- Standard 2 Month Membership : $49.99 ( 1 domain, any theme )
- Standard 1 Year Membership : $79.99 ( Upto 3 domain, any theme )
- Standard 1 Year Membership : $109.99 ( Unlimited domains, any theme )
- Developer 1 Year Membership : $249.99 ( Unlimited domains, any theme )