L’Image Premium WordPress Theme. L’Image is a latest WordPress Premium Theme from Viva Themes. The L’image theme is a multipurpose theme for photographers or portfolio owners. L’image theme allow category based galleries which make it extremely easy to create a gallery and post photos. Posting an image is just creating a new post, put the image inside and everything is taken care of.
Author : Viva Themes.
Description : L’Image is a latest WordPress Premium Theme from Viva Themes. The L’image theme is a multipurpose theme for photographers or portfolio owners. L’image theme allow category based galleries which make it extremely easy to create a gallery and post photos. Posting an image is just creating a new post, put the image inside and everything is taken care of.
Compatibility : Latest WordPress Version
Features :
- Theme compatible with WordPress 2.9.x
- 100% tableless css design.
- Post Thumbnail feature.
- Advanced theme options panel.
- Attractive front page image grid showing your latest gallery entries.
- 4 level dropdown navigation.
- Threaded comments.
- CSS & XHTML valid.
- Cross-browser compatible.
- Additional full width and blog page template.
- Easily switch from image to text logo.
- Delivered with .png source files (.psd files available in the forum)
- And much more …
Price :
- Single Theme :- US$ 47.00
- All in One :- US$ 160.00 (all available themes)